Wintchy Wintchy

   It seems Africans and superstisions cannot be separated. Especially when it comes to the belief that a paranormal/supernatural being was responsible for their woes.
  "Why is your face so rough?"
   "I don't know o, witches and wizards won't let my face have peace".
     Hits foot against a stone, "Jehovah, any plans of witches and wizards against my foot, i destroy!"
    A partner whom they love breaks up with them, "Witches and wizards won't leave my relationship in peace!"
    Didn't make WAEC, "Witches and wizards in my village don't want me to go to school!"
      Watches an horror film, before bed, "i cast and i bind any witch or wizard giving me scary thoughts!"
And the actions of witches and wizards goes on and on.
      Oh, and another one! A guy gets into the habit of smoking and drinking hard substances, gets addicted and starts misbehaving, his parents laments, "My enemies are at work! Witches and wizards want to destroy my son!"
      It seems people destroy their own selves and cry witches and wizards! As you lay your bed, so you lie on it! I see people praying, casting, binding and "khabashing", when a little improvement on themselves will make all the difference. A lady has not worked on herself, she would not date herself if she were not her, and she cries "wintchy Wintchy!"
     A man's lies catches up with him, and he cries "wintchy Wintchy."   I think the devil must hate himself the way humans blame their mistakes on him. The poor guy! (sign!)
      Humans need to man up (or girl up) and own up to their misdeeds, improve on themselves and stop blaming everything on the paranormal. Stop crying Wintchy Wintchy! More often than not, you are your own worst enemy!


  1. I do wonder whether the evil spirits in this part of the world are different -- so ardent to cause problems and harm people. Lol.


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