Scarred! (A series)

This is a series. The entire story would be too long for one post. Personally, i feel one post stories are rushed as i like to develop my characters. Sometimes, the story takes on a life of its own. So, here goes........________________________________________________________________
     "This does not look good, Sir. If this continues, we won't be able to pay the staffs next month".
     Melvin heard what David his accountant was saying but he wasn't really paying attention, he was stuck on not being able to pay his staffs the coming month. David was still talking,
     "As you know, your savings from which we have been paying them is now completely gone. To pay them this month, we had to get a loan from the Bank, which i told you, was not a good idea".
      Yes, yes, he did say it was a bad idea but pride made it impossible for Melvin to sit back and do nothing while the advertising company he had started straight out of school, went bankrupt, and then on to folding up. And he had no doubt, that was where they were headed. But he had to say something.
     "Thanks, Dave. You've been a good friend, thanks alot".
     Dave took a deep breath, and asked, "What do we do now?"
     "Don't worry about it, I have everything under control".
     David took a long, hard look at his friend, and knew better than to argue with him. He could see he was stretched taut, and he could snap at any time.
     "Okay, just take it easy, man". Melvin just inclined his head as David left his office.
     Even though Melvin had tried to appear stoic in front of his friend, he was really frantic inside. He was stuck and didn't know what to do. He didn't know what went wrong when suddenly, about 22 months age, his company lost on every project they bidded on. Despite proposing a ridiculously low price every time. And every time, they lost to Kasim group of companies. They just branched out into advertising 2 years ago. Melvin did not think it was a coincidence that the Managing Director of Kasim was his long sworn enemy Blessing Kalu. He knew she was out to get him. He wasn't being paranoid. It was almost impossible to think that once upon a time, they had been best friends. Through Kindergarten, Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary School. Everyone including himself thought they were in love and headed for marriage. It was in their ss3, right after the first term mid-term break, that she had turned into an enemy with a vengeance. She had made the remainder of his secondary school hell. Thankfully, it was just 7/8 months. This continued through the years, and now, 10 years later, the spit fire was still at it.
     But his pride and need for help was greater than his hatred for Blessing. The fact that their parents were friends should make her more amenable to his plea. But that in itself was a paradox as it didn't stop her before. Melvin grimaced. His need to keep his company from folding up was pushing him to grovel at the feet of his mortal enemy for help, but Melvin had learnt that desperate times called for desperate actions......

So, what do you think?


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