In recent times, this word, "Savage!", has become a part and parcel of our society. It seems the culture of respect and compassion is dead or at the very least, dying, giving rise to the culture of savagery. The social media while destroying geographical barriers seems to also destroy empathy and compassion.
A successful lady posts a picture, captions it, "the taste of success" maybe, and someone comments, "is that why you are not married?". And others will laugh while hailing him to be a "Savage" and I wonder what happened to respect. What happened to thinking before speaking.
We live in a society where people post pictures of their best and if they don't have it yet, they fake it. Infact, it has become normal to fake it until you make it. We are a generation of "slay queens" and "swag princes" exposing our inexpressibles on social media. It's fashionable and even commendable to expose your body. Indecent exposure is the order of the day. Today, to live is to see pornography. To live is to exist in pornography, it's everywhere. If you complain, you are a prude. We are in a time of ladies walking around wearing just body pain in the name of fashion. We disrespect elders in the name of savagery. It's commendable. You have to dress like Kim Kardashian, if you don't have the curves, buy themlike she did. We've said goodbye to decency. Our idea of relaxing fun, is to post a collage of different breast sizes and ask ladies to comment the one that applies to them. It's nothing, just idle fun.
Being naked is self expression, in time past, wearing torn clothes, was how you separated the mad from the sane, now it's creativity. It's baffling.
What a time to be alive!
And it makes me fear for our children, both infants and the ones yet unborn. Maybe then, it would be illegal to wear clothes.
A successful lady posts a picture, captions it, "the taste of success" maybe, and someone comments, "is that why you are not married?". And others will laugh while hailing him to be a "Savage" and I wonder what happened to respect. What happened to thinking before speaking.
We live in a society where people post pictures of their best and if they don't have it yet, they fake it. Infact, it has become normal to fake it until you make it. We are a generation of "slay queens" and "swag princes" exposing our inexpressibles on social media. It's fashionable and even commendable to expose your body. Indecent exposure is the order of the day. Today, to live is to see pornography. To live is to exist in pornography, it's everywhere. If you complain, you are a prude. We are in a time of ladies walking around wearing just body pain in the name of fashion. We disrespect elders in the name of savagery. It's commendable. You have to dress like Kim Kardashian, if you don't have the curves, buy them
Being naked is self expression, in time past, wearing torn clothes, was how you separated the mad from the sane, now it's creativity. It's baffling.
What a time to be alive!
And it makes me fear for our children, both infants and the ones yet unborn. Maybe then, it would be illegal to wear clothes.
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