Mass Killings of Nigerians in South Africa (My reaction)

My heart is heavy! These killings in South Africa... My god! How can you chase a fellow human, hunting them like a hunter hunting rabbits?!
And have the effrontery to video yourselves doing this evil?! And still tweet that our government can't do anything about it? And ain't that the truth?! After killing over 100 Nigerians, Buhari sent a delegate to register our 'displeasure'! Displeasure is when one Nigerian is killed by accident, not when they hunt us! Do Nigerian lives even matter?
I can't find it in me to be angry with the South Africans, I can't find it in me to be angry with Buhari, I can't find the strength for anything.
I am overcome with great pity for South Africa, pity for what White dominance has done to their psyche that they cannot face their oppressors but turn to fight their saviours. How can you say Nigerians are taking your wealth when 85% of your wealth is controlled by the whites who make up less than 9% of your overall population? How? When the whole of the African continent came together to help you fight apartheid? How? Can't you see that your anger is misdirected? And what kind of shift occurred in your brains during your years of oppression that makes you think humans are animals to be hunted? You set people on fire, shoot unarmed people repeatedly even after they are dead, stone a man on his head repeatedly until his skull cracks open and he dies? What kind of hatred has eaten up your conscience to that level?
I am overcome with great Sadness for Nigeria. Ha! How the mighty has fallen! Boasting that we can't do shit after hunting, setting ablaze, stoning on the head repeatedly, shooting and ultimately killing our own. If Nigeria was a country, what would Nigerians go to do in an HIV/Aids infested country? If Nigeria was a little bit fairer and kinder to its people and their hardwork, what would take us there other than holidays? If Nigeria had not fallen and sunken so low, what would give these people the guts to kill our own like chickens on a Christmas morning? If we had good leadership, how them for wan take see us finish like this? If Nigerians had not destroyed Nigeria's International reputation with fraud and scams, greater countries would have come to stand by us by now.
So, no, I'm not angry, I am just deeply, deeply sad.


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