
Showing posts from October, 2016

An unlikely Meeting

It was an unlikely encounter, really.      Stella was a bubbly girl. She was one of those who entered a room with their mouths first. She was short at 5"3 in that skin tone group of neither dark nor fair. She had a pleasant face that never really crossed to being pretty, but was saved by having a smile that transformed her face from pleasant to gorgeous, enough curves to show she was female but not enough to make anyone stare. The truest compliments paid her were, "you are such a pleasant girl", "you such a friendly person" and "there is never a dull moment with you".     After running her mouth, she just manages to make off in one piece as she never quite provokes you to anger with her jests. She was one of the "ple ntious " masses who get affected by the slightest increase in the price of fuel and garri. She was on her way from buying said garri, standing by the road side waiting to get a bike when Pascal's car splashed mud all ove...

What happened to forever?

Isabella couldn't believe the reality before her eyes. How long was forever, really?    "I lo ve you forev er and a day more" he had said and she had believed him whole heartedly, believed every word. Forever had turned out to be a very short time indeed. He had seemed so sincere as he uttered those words and there went her trust. She had trusted him with her life, loved him from the depth of her soul. Why would he promise to be here forever and just up and leave? Did the promises shared mean nothing to him? Did he not care the situation he was leaving her in? How did he ever expect her to cope? He was her life, her pillar, her therapist and more importantly, her rock. And now? She's been left adrift at sea with no land in sight? Where does she start from?     Broken didn't begin to capture the state of her heart right now. She had really believed him when he said he would be with her forever. So forever was just 23 years, 9 months and 17 days? Cos that's ho...